• Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 10: Agreement Protocols

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 10: Agreement Protocols

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 10: Agreement Protocols. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Classification of faults, classification of tolerance, core problems, overview of consensus results, consensus algorithm for crash failures, correctness of crash consensus algo, performance of crash consensus algo, lower bound on rounds, byzantine agreement problems,…

     19 p vcmi 25/11/2022 34 0

  • Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 11: Commit Protocols

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 11: Commit Protocols

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 11: Commit Protocols. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Distributed transactions, transaction system architecture, system failure modes, commit protocols, two phase commit protocol (2PC), handling of failures- coordinator failure, handling of failures - network partition, recovery and concurrency control,…

     14 p vcmi 25/11/2022 29 0

  • Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 6: Distributed Mutual Exclusion

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 6: Distributed Mutual Exclusion

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 6: Distributed Mutual Exclusion. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Types of Dist. Mutual Exclusion Algorithms, Some Complexity Measures, Lamport’s Algorithm, Some notable points, The Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm, Roucairol-Carvalho Algorithm, Maekawa’s Algorithm, A Simple Version, Token based Algorithms, Suzuki Kasami Algorithm, Notable features, Raymond’s Algorithm.

     25 p vcmi 25/11/2022 28 0

  • Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 9: Distributed Deadlock Detection

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 9: Distributed Deadlock Detection

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 9: Distributed Deadlock Detection. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Deadlock Handling Strategies, Issues in Deadlock Detection & Resolution, Control Organization for Deadlock Detection, Centralized Deadlock-Detection Algorithms, Distributed Deadlock-Detection Algorithms, Chandy et al.’s Edge-Chasing Algorithm,…

     14 p vcmi 25/11/2022 29 0

  • Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 1: Introduction

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 1: Introduction

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 1: Introduction. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: What is a distributed system? advantages, examples of problems, example: automotive control, why is it hard to design them? Models for distributed algorithms, complexity measures, some fundamental problems.

     10 p vcmi 25/11/2022 33 0

  • Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 2: The balanced sliding window protocol

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 2: The balanced sliding window protocol

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 2: The balanced sliding window protocol. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: The balanced sliding window protocol, definitions, required properties, the protocol, the sliding windows, the protocol, protocol invariant, results.

     8 p vcmi 25/11/2022 29 0

  • Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 12: Distributed File Systems

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 12: Distributed File Systems

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 12: Distributed File Systems. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Distributed File System Requirements, Transparency, Other Requirements, Naming of Distributed Files, DFS – Three Naming Schemes, Mounting Remote Directories (NFS), Mounting Remote Directories, DFS – File Access Performance.

     46 p vcmi 25/11/2022 33 0

  • Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 3: Routing Algorithms

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 3: Routing Algorithms

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 3: Routing Algorithms. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Main features, performance issues, good paths, destination-based forwarding, floyd-warshall algorithm, the simple distributed algorithm, important property of the simple algorithm, toueg’s improvement, the chandy-misra algorithm, the netchange algorithm.

     15 p vcmi 25/11/2022 21 0

  • Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 4: Deadlock-free Packet Switching

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 4: Deadlock-free Packet Switching

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 4: Deadlock-free Packet Switching. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Store and forward deadlock, model, requirements, solutions, buffer graph, suitable buffer and guaranteed path, the buffer-graph controller, the destination scheme, the hops-so-far scheme, acyclic orientation based scheme, forward and backward-count controllers, forward and backward-state controllers, forward-state...

     14 p vcmi 25/11/2022 24 0

  • Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 5: Logical Clocks and Causal

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 5: Logical Clocks and Causal

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 5: Logical Clocks. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Why do we need global clocks? ordering of events, causally related versus concurrent, lamport’s logical clock, how lamport’s clocks advance, points to note, limitation of lamport’s clock, solution: vector clocks, partial order between timestamps, causal ordering, use of vector clocks in causal ordering of messages,...

     26 p vcmi 25/11/2022 18 0

  • Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 8: Leader Election

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 8: Leader Election

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 8: Leader Election. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Leader election in rings, election in asynchronous rings, hirschberg-sinclair algorithm, features: hirschberg-sinclair, the echo algorithm – a wave algorithm, extinction on the echo algorithm.

     9 p vcmi 25/11/2022 24 0

  • Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 7: Wave and Traversal Algorithms

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 7: Wave and Traversal Algorithms

    Lecture Distributed Systems - Lecture 7: Wave and Traversal Algorithms. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Wave algorithms, the echo algorithm – a wave algorithm, traversal algorithms, sequential polling – a traversal algorithm, classical depth-first search, classical depth-first search contd, classical depth-first search algorithm, awerbuch’s DFS Algorithm, Cidon’s DFS Algorithm.

     10 p vcmi 25/11/2022 25 0

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